mardi 20 septembre 2011

«Casques bleus pour Vatican" - Washington Post

"BLUEHELMETS for VATICAN" - Washington Post
Germany proud of, but sometimes antagonistic toward, visiting German-born pontiff

BERLIN — When Benedict XVI arrives in Berlin this week, he will be greeted in his homeland by a Lutheran chancellor, a gay mayor and a divorced, remarried Roman Catholic president.The breadth of potential social and religious conflicts represented by the German leadership reflects the state of a nation that is proud of, but also sometimes indifferent and antagonistic toward, the German-born pontiff — and the church he represents.
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“How much filth there is in the Church,” the Cardinal Ratzinger decried, “and even among those who, in the priesthood, ought to belong entirely to Him.” 

” It was a direct and cutting attack on clerics involved in the sexual abuse of children, the first of its kind issued by a member of the Vatican hierarchy. For the previous 24 years, the future pontiff had presided over the office which handles allegations of abuse for the Catholic Church, the powerful Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF). “

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