vendredi 12 août 2011

14 000 Missbrauchfälle als Kinderschändungen durch irische katholische Priester geschätzt -

14 000 Missbrauchsfälle als Kinderschändungen der irischen katholischen Priesterschaft geschätzt und (2002) eingestuft

When the Irish Government negotiated a settlement of the compensation due to the tens of thousands of people abused and traumatised in institutions run by the Catholic Church, the total came to €1.36 billion. The Government wanted the Church to pay half of this, but during negotiations in 2002, the Church managed to wangle its way into contributing only €120 million (£107m) – a pitifully small fraction of what was needed. This deal was struck on the hypothesis that there would be 2,000 claimants, something the Church was uniquely qualified to know would not be the case. In the event there were 14,000. 14,000 Children Abuse Cases by Irish Catholic Priests Estimated 

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10 667 Kläger haben in den USA wegen sexuellem Missbrauch durch kirchliche “Würdenträger” Klage erhoben –

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