jeudi 6 décembre 2012

Vatican: "L'Eglise pédophilie est un 'péché social' , n'est pas un crime"

Vatican: "L'Eglise pédophilie est un 'péché social' , n'est pas un crime"

Vatikan: “Kirchliche Kinderschändung ist eine ‘soziale Sünde’, kein Verbrechen” - eurekastreet
RELIGION – Sexual abuse is a social sin
In an effort to encourage and support Catholics shaken by clergy sexual abuse scandals, Bishop Greg O’Kelly of Port Pirie wrote a pastoral letter to his people on 20 November. He rejected generalisations and inaccuarcies in some media reporting, insisted that responsibility for wrongdoing lies with ‘individuals within the Church’ rather than with ‘the Church’, and pointed to the good done by many church organisations.    ……………
Pope John Paul II in his encyclical Reconciliatio et Paenitentia  explained it in this way:
Whenever the Church speaks of situations of sin, or when she condemns as social sins certain situations or the collective behavior of certain social groups … she knows and she proclaims that such cases of social sin are the result of the accumulation and concentration of many personal sins.
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Das Ausland verfolgt strafrechtlich Missbrauchsvertuschung, Deutschland dagegen schützt seine pädopheliegeneigten, religiösen Kader

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