Vatican: New, aggressive, offical strategy against abuse victims
National Catholic Reporter, by Kristine Ward on Mar. 23, 2012
In a none too subtle posting on his Archdiocese of New York blog, Cardinal Timothy Dolan — the newly minted and over the top feted eminence — confirmed the bishops’ new strategy: playing hardball against victims and the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) in particular. Here’s the link.
This approach was first revealed by Catholic League president William Donohue in the March 12 New York Times story “Catholic Church Puts Legal Pressure on Abuse victims Group.”
- Cardinal Dolan, NY confirms new aggressive strategy against abuse victims
- German Catholic Church, Cardinal Zollitsch admits abuse victims – sorry – come second
- Catholic Church Accused of ‘Bullying’ Organization Representing Clergy Sex Abuse Victims
- Abuse support group says abuse victims under attack by pope
- NYT : “Catholic Church Puts Legal Pressure on Abuse victims Group.”
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